이성하Seongha Rhee is Professor of Linguistics at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea. He received his Ph.D. in linguistics from the University of Texas at Austin in 1996. He served his university as the Vice-President of External Affairs (2012-2014), the International Circle of Korean Linguistics (president, 2019-2021), the Linguistic Society of Korea (president, 2013-2014), and the Discourse and Cognitive Linguistic Society of Korea (president, 2009-2011). He (co-)authored Understanding Grammaticalization (2016/1998, Hankook) and World Lexicon of Grammaticalization (2019, CUP). He has published book chapters in Grammaticalization Scenarios: Cross-linguistic Variation and Universal Tendencies (2020, Mouton), The Oxford Handbook of Grammaticalization (2011, OUP), and a few others; and has published a number of research articles in journals, including Nature, Journal of Pragmatics, Language Sciences, Lingua, and Journal of Historical Pragmatics. His primary research interest is to identify cognitive and discursive mechanisms that enable language change from the crosslinguistic and typological perspectives.